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Everything You Need for the Umrah Regulations for 2021

Umrah Regulations for 2021

Umrah is currently not possible for those residing in the United Kingdom. Countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and a few others have been given permission to start entering Saudi Arabia for the purpose of pilgrimage but we do not foresee United Kingdom being allowed to enter till at least Feb/March 2021 and that too based on the current Pandemic situation.

We have tried to answer many of the common questions being posed regarding Umrah and hope this helps to identify the current rules regarding Umrah pilgrimage.

I live in the UK, can I perform Umrah?

No – Umrah and Tourist visas are currently restricted from entering Saudi Arabia.

What are the age restrictions once Umrah opens?

Only travelers between the ages of 18 and 49 will be allowed to travel.

Can I travel alone as I have done in the past or just me and my family?

No. You must now travel with a group and have a fully booked package.

What is the minimum size of the group?

The group must consist of a minimum of 50 people.

Will we all be quarantined upon arrival?

Yes – a 3 day mandatory quarantine would be required for every group that arrives in to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Is a PCR test required? 

Yes – you must hold a negative PCR test for Saudi Arabia taken up to 72 hours before arrival.

What is the maximum I can stay in KSA once Umrah does open?

At the moment we are advised that you will only be able to stay a maximum of 10 days. This includes your 3 day isolation.

What precautions are the authorities taking regarding transport?

A maximum of 25 hujjaj would be allowed on a 50 seater bus.

Can my family all stay in 1 room or suite

No – a maximum of 2 people to a room has been advised.

Will I be able to visit the holy mosques at my own convenience?

No – your group will be given a time slot of when you can perform tawaf. Daily prayers can be read without the need for registration (subject to change).

Do you recommend going for Umrah?

As a sharia responsibility, obviously there are great rewards for performing the minor pilgrimage but as a company providing a service, we do not currenly recommend you to make plans as the current restrictions are very stringent. It would not make much sense to go and then not be able to perform your ibadah to your hearts’ content. This is a personal view of the writer and not in conjuction with any islamic ruling.

158 thoughts on “Everything You Need for the Umrah Regulations for 2021

  1. Asslamu alaykum, a small query, have the restrictions for umrah in 2021 changed or are they still the same as before and if they are same as before when are they likely to change.
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Walaikum salaam,

      Umrah is cancelled for the foreseeable future or atleast for this year.

      Check with us after Hajj for more updates.

      Having said that anything can change as we are aware that the Saudi authorities also want hujjaj back as soon as possible.


      Saudivisas.com Team

      1. Assalam o alikum!
        I am serving with UN in Central Africa with definitely special heath precautions focussing on Covid. Question 1: I have a Blue Official passport? Will I be allowed to perform Umrah on Blue passport & is there any requirement of visa?
        Question 2: Or do I have to obtain Visa from my Country (Pakistan) for myself & family (Green passport).

        1. Hi

          UN travel documents are not exempt from visa requirements.

          You need to apply from your country of normal residency.


          Saudi Visas Team

          1. Walaikum Salaam,

            All passengers must be fully vaccinated inorder to avoid hotel quarantine. If you are not vaccinated then you will need to isolate for 10 days in a Government hotel at your own expense before starting your Umrah.



        1. ‏السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
          I have brish passport can I travel ummrah if I’m alone
          ‏جزاك الله خير

    2. Salaams
      I am planning my ummrah for September 2021 and have the vaccination and from the UK

      Are restrictions being applied for umrah, tawaf and Namaz ? Once you arrive I heard you have to book your Namaz slot

      Is this true?

  2. Assalomu aleykum my dad 50 years old and he’s Green card holder he lives in New York city but he is Uzbekistan citizen can he go to Umrah from USA ?

    1. Hi

      Right now Umrah is not open for international travellers.

      Check back with us after hajj for further updates.


      Saudi Visas Team

  3. I wast to perform 15 days of umra with my 70 years old dad by the end of ramadan ( in last ten days of ramadan) is that possible?

  4. Aslam o alaikum hope you are doing great IN SHA ALLAH I just wanted to ask that currently I’m a UAE resident & got the vaccine twice so is it oky for UAE people to go for umrah is it open now

    1. Hi

      Residents of UAE are restricted from entering KSA as it is now a red list country.

      Please keep in touch for further updates.


      Saudivisas.com Team

  5. A group of friends performed Umrah about 3 weeks ago from Nigeria.What is the latest position of the Kingdom on Ramadan Umrah?

    1. Hi

      There are no Umrah visas available at the moment from the United Kingdom.

      We are aware that people are using available visas such as business and family visit visas but we cannot advise that you do the same.


      Saudivisas.com Team

  6. Assalamoalaikom wa rahmatollah. My Father is working currently in Riyadh, Saudi Arab. He wants us to go to him to pay a visit and perform a Umrah session. Can we do that now!? If not then when can we? I am a citizen of Bangladesh.

    1. Walaikum salaam,

      The only way would be to go out on a visit visa which your father would send you. Umrah visas are closed at the moment.


      Saudivisas.com Team

  7. Assalamu alaikum. I would like to know when will New Yorkers be able to go and perform Umrah this year 2021? and when they are allowed, what are some things we need to have prepared ahead of time?

    1. Hi

      Unfortunately, no date has been announced for Umrah this year and it is likely that there will be no Umrah for international pilgrims. Hajj is a possibility but still doubtful in our opinion.


      Saudivisas.com Team

    1. Hi

      Not at the moment. We are of the opinion that Umrah 2021 will not be allowed. Keep checking in with us or general media as if allowed this would be breaking news!


      Saudivisas.com Team

  8. Assalamualikum…

    I have extended cousin and she is divorced. She wanted to perform Umrah with her 14 years old daughter…
    is it possible if she applies for Visit visa..?

    Is saudi open for Umrah from india…?

    Please do reply..

    Thanks & Regards…

    1. Hi

      All females under 45 are required to be accompanied by a male to perform Umrah.

      If she is above 45 she can travel alone but her 14 year old daughter will need a mahram in order to travel.

      If you are able to arrange a visit visa authorisation for both then YES, both can travel under the visit visa category.

      In order to arrange a visit visa, you must first get a family member in Saudi Arabia to send you an official invite from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aka MOFA.


      Saudivisas.com Team

  9. Assalyamu ‘aleikum. How and when can Kazakhstan muslims go to Umrah? When will you open tourist or umrah visas for us?

    1. Walaikum Salaam,

      No official date has been announced for the re-opening of Umrah/Tourist visas.

      We hope and pray that we hear good news soon.

      Was Salaam

      Saudivisas.com Team

    1. Hi

      The age restrictions of 18-50 for Umrah and 18-61 for Hajj will remain until officially announced otherwise.


      Saudivisas.com Team

  10. Asalamu Alaikum,

    Will Hajj visas be only for under 50 years old?

    Are there any exemptions to requirement to have COVID vaccine (weak immune system)? Or is it compulsory no matter what reason?

    Thank you. Jazakallah Khairan.

    Kind regards,


    1. Walaikum Salaam,

      We have been advised that more than likely the age will be 18-61.

      The Covid Vaccine has still not been officially made a requirement but if it is then there will be no exemption.


      Saudivisas.com Team

  11. Asalamu Alaikum,
    am from Nigeria please i will like to no more about the age for the Umrah presently now.the exactly age?
    thank you, jazakallah khairan.
    Kind regards.

  12. Assalam alaikum . I want my parents to do umrah. Is old person allowed to be umrah ? 55 to 60 age

  13. Assalamualaikum!
    I’m from Bangladesh! Me and my wife want to visit for umrah. Not sure if it’s open for Bangladesh.
    Can you please help?
    Zajakallahu Khairan!

  14. Salamu alaikum,

    I am from Iraq, me and my wife with 2 children- 4 & 6 years old, want to perform Ummrah from the 1st of Ramadan. Is the age limitation still in place for Iraq?

    jazaka Alahu xairan

    1. Walaikum Salaam,

      Iraq is one of the few countries that are allowed to perform Umrah even now whilst much of the world remains restricted.

      Our understanding is that the age restriction would apply but would suggest you contacting an Iraqi Umrah provider for your own specific rules.


      Saudivisas.com Team

    1. Hi

      Umrah is open for many countries including Pakistan but the requirements are so stringent that no Umrah Operator is taking a group.

      You must travel with a group of a minimum of 50 people. All pilgrims must be 18-50. You must have PCR test certificate on arrival and then quarantine for 3 days in a government-appointed hotel. You can stay a maximum of 10 days and cannot change your schedule at all. If a single person of the group is deemed to be ill or contracts Covid – the entire group will be restricted. Attendance to the 2 holy mosques will be based on the Eatmarna App slot bookings for the entire group.

      See full details here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j5hcONDUeo&t=21s

      Based on the above, no group would like to go through so much hassle and even if hujjaj were prepared to face the constraints, a single person falling ill would undermine the entire group.

      Check with local agents in your city who can guide you better but agents in the UK are restricted through a travel ban and not because of the hardships involved.


      http://www.SaudiVisas.com Team

  15. Hi,
    I am a US Citizen and have Business Visa for KSA. Can I travel to KSA and perform Umrah, If yes, what are the conditions?

  16. salaam alaikum,
    I have French passport and works in zambia. I would like to perform umrah and hajj with our local group.
    that’s can be possible? by the way I am 37years.

    1. Hi

      They are currently restricted. Kindly request them to make contact with their local agents as they would be in a better position to advise as we are based in the UK.

      However, from the information we hold, Umrah is not open for Jordanians.


      http://www.saudivisas.com Team

  17. I am from the Philippines but currently residing in the UAE. Is it permitted for me to perform Umrah at this time?

  18. Are there any chances after covid .. age restrictions might change? I want to perform umrah with my dad he’s 55 yrs old from india.

      1. Hi, can you tell if the age restriction will be lifted this year? my parents are above 60 and from Pakistan

        1. Hi

          Restrictions have been placed on direct travel from Pakistan. You must go to a 3rd country and spend a minimum of 14 days in that country prior to entering Saudi Arabia.

          The only age restriction is that Children under 18 are not allowed. There is no upper age limit restriction.


          SaudiVisas.com Team

  19. Hi assalamalikum

    I am currently residing in dubai and am an Indian national
    I wanted ask can I go for umrah in the month of Ramadan and what is the procedure

    Looking forward for your response
    Thank you

  20. Aselamualeykum
    I am a US citizen can i perform umrah ,i have e tourist visa and i have covid 19 vaccine card.is it allowed to make umrah .

  21. I know at the moment there is no umrah for my age group. So dose that mean it will remain like that this year im hoping it will change

  22. We have booked to go umra in December
    As a family
    We have over 50,16 ye,25 and 2 children
    I pray age restrictions will not apply in December

  23. Hi. I am an American with a visit e-visa to Saudi Arabia that has expired because I did not get to use it during the pandemic. Will I be reimbursed or will the visa be extended for after the pandemic?

      1. As Salam Alekum

        Can we travel on E-Visit Visa to Saudi Arabia during this ongoing covid Pandemic, are we allowed to enter Saudi Arabia for Tourism, (No plans for Umrah yet) I am UK citizen

        Am planning to travel May/June 2021.


  24. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
    I am a Peruvian citizen (Ex-Pakistani) living in Peru and I am planning to travel this June insha Allah but I wish to perform Umrah first during the last 10 days of June 2021, how and where can I apply for the Umrah Visa while I have already booked the hotels in Makkah and Madina.
    Jazak Allah khaira

    1. Hi

      Umrah is closed at the moment. Only today they have allowed international flights for their own citizens. Umrah will not be possible on your own in June.


      Saudi Visas Team

  25. Asc How I can visit my family in Saudi ? Which visa I need to have? Is there any visa family visa ?

    1. Walaikum Salaam Warakhmatullahi Wabaraktohu,

      Yes you can – ask your family to send you a “FAMILY VISIT VISA AUTHORISATION”. Once you have this document, send it to us with your passport and photo and we will do the rest.


      http://www.saudivisas.com Team

    1. Hi

      No you cannot. Females without mahram would normally only be allowed to perform Umrah alone if they were above the age of 45.

      New rules and regulations may change this rule but we will need to wait until the new Umrah season which is expected to start after Hajj this year.


      http://www.saudivisas.com Team

  26. Asalamalaikum,
    I want to go umrah with my wife and my 3 children under the age of 18. Does it mean that I can never go with family to do umrah, in 2021,2022. From UK

    1. Hi

      We would not say “never” – as UK residents we have already been removed from the red list and those that are vaccinated dont even need to quarantine. Changes will follow as the virus weakens and inshallah everything will return to normality soon. Exact dates however, Allah (swt) knows best.


      http://www.saudivisas.com Team

  27. Do you think at the end of the uear we will be avle to perform umrah and age testrictions will end

    1. Hi

      We have no confirmed reports but it is our own humble opinion that yes Umrah will be possible from UK by the end of the year but we dont believe that the age restrictions will end just yet. Please note this is pure speculation on our part.


      http://www.saudivisas.com Team

  28. I am from Canada, currently in Jordan. I have both vaccines and health insurance. Can I apply for a umrah visa alone? If through a group, does it have to be Jordanian or Canadian? If not, does a family visit visa exclude Umrah?

    Jazakallahu khayr for your patience with all of our questions, it is very helpful in reducing the uncertainty and anxiety around it all.

    1. Hi

      No – you cannot apply for an Umrah visa alone. You must accompany a group of a minimum of 25-50 people.

      If you wish too join a Jordanian group then you must be resident of Jordan.

      You can join a Canadian group anytime as you state you are Canadian.

      A family visit does not allow Umrah but we are aware that many people do use it for this purpose albeit we cannot recommend this action.


      http://www.saudivisas.com Team

  29. assalamualaikum wah rahmatullah wah barakatuh….
    it still allowed to perforn umrah by this month?we are group to go umrah but i heard that its temporary xlised for making umrah because of hajj..it is true?
    tnx for consideration!

    1. Hi

      Umrah is not currently possible for UK passengers. At the moment, we are only aware of Malaysian, Indonesian and Iraqi nationals being able to perform Umrah through authorised agencies.

      The information we have suggests that Umrah will be open to those who have been fully vaccinated after Hajj 2021.


      http://www.SaudiVisas.com Team

  30. Is there any update on Umrah visas from USA for after Hajj? Is it known yet what ages would be allowed for Umrah after Hajj ?

    1. Asalaamu Alaikum

      Please find below brief summary of New Umrah 1443 Rules & Regulations

      1. Entry to Saudi Arabia to begin 1st of Muharram on Umrah Visa

      2.  Minimum Age 18+ Years

      3. PCR is Mandatory


      5. NHS Certified Vaccination Certificate

      6. Entry to Haram to perform Umrah is granted for groups led by a Health Coordinator

      7. Pre booking of Umrah slot and Ziyara slot through the Umrah system

      8. Individuals can book directly with saudi umrah companies

      9. Quarantine in Saudi Arabia depends on country of arrival

      We expect the Umrah season to begin on 1st Moharram which coincides with 9th/10th August 2021.


      Saudivisas.com Team

    1. Hi

      We can never advise you to pre-book tickets until you have visas in your hand.

      Asalaamu Alaikum

      Please find below brief summary of New Umrah 1443 Rules & Regulations

      1. Entry to Saudi Arabia to begin 1st of Muharram on Umrah Visa

      2.  Minimum Age 18+ Years

      3. PCR is Mandatory


      5. NHS Certified Vaccination Certificate

      6. Entry to Haram to perform Umrah is granted for groups led by a Health Coordinator

      7. Pre booking of Umrah slot and Ziyara slot through the Umrah system

      8. Individuals can book directly with saudi umrah companies

      9. Quarantine in Saudi Arabia depends on country of arrival

      We expect the Umrah season to begin on 1st Moharram which coincides with 9th/10th August 2021.


      Saudivisas.com Team

      1. Assalaam alaykum. Is Umrah package mandatory or one can just obtain Umrah visa and make own transportation & hotel arrangement. Your guidance would be highly appreciated

      2. I have downloaded I’tamrana app for Ummrah and Ziyara slots but app is not working, not able to get the TOP code on mobile. Could you please assist if you know any other process to get it registered and book slots for Ummrah.
        Many thanks.

    1. Walaikum Salaam,

      Unfortunately, only over 18s will be allowed for Umrah. There is no current upper limit.


      SaudiVisas.com Team

  31. Hi

    I am a U.K. Resident double vaccinated, thinking about going for umrah in September. Is it possible for me to perform umrah? If yes are there any sort of restrictions on how many tawaf or umrah can be done or you can do as many as you want?


  32. Saudi government has announced age restrictions on umra visa
    No under 18 allowed
    I phoned Saudi airlines who stated there is s no age limit for UK citizen
    Is. This correct

  33. Assalamualikum, I am a Bangladeshi citizen now residing in Kuwait. I have a daughter aged 9 years. Can she travel with us to Makkah from Kuwait so that we can perform Umrah leaving her in the hotel? Will be obliged if you answer the question.

    1. Walaikum Salaam,

      Yes – she can travel with you but cannot enter the harem area, meaning she will remain in the hotel at all times.


    1. Hi

      If you are a resident of the UAE then yes you can travel for Umrah from The UAE.

      Contact a local agent to arrange a package.


  34. Asalam aleikum, my husband and I just obtained an e tourist visa in order to also perform Umrah InshaAllah. Can we book our own hotel accomodations and Umrah permit without using any agency?

    1. Walaikum Salaam,

      yes – you can book your own hotel and get your permit through the Eatmarna App – there is no need for an agency provided you are using a TOURIST visa.


      SaudiVisas.com Team.

  35. Asalam aleikum,

    I have a e tourist visa as an American Citizen, can I obtain an Umrah permit on my own on Eatmarna App once in Saudia with a local SIM number?

  36. i live in US and fully vaccinated. I travel to KSA on business visa. Can i go now and perform umrah now. I was told that its not allowed to enter Grand Mosque in makkah. Is it true ? do they check paper work if i want to go by myself and do umrah?

      1. Assalamu Alaikkum Varah…
        I kindly enquiring am I allowed to do Umrah with my wife and 2 kids (under ages of 18 years), if not allowed pls advise me bcz have already booked the tickets for all of us from Uganda.

  37. Alsalam alkioum
    We want to do umrah Oct 2021, me ( 51) year-old, and my son ( 18), Canadian passports, both fully vaccinated, what should we do?

  38. Hi,
    Im planning to go umrah for 2022 on march with my family from Canada. But we do have kids 13, 12 & 6 years old. Do think is possible to bring them with us.

    Than you

  39. Hi
    I am Canadian PR. Don’t have Canadian passport, so how do I perform umrah? Like my agent said only citizens can travel? I am fully vaccinated!

  40. Assalamualaikum.

    I have a few questions.

    1) I have a 4 and half years old daughter. Is she allow to go with us too as we don’t have anyone to take care of her.

    2) We live in UAE, do we still need to go with agency to perform umrah?

    3) where can I get a full guideline for application or any requirement before we go to KSA?


  41. Salaam,

    I live in the UK, I want to perform Umrah in December with my family. One of my children is 9 years old. Can she also come with me to Saudi for Umrah?

  42. Salam,

    I have a 2 years old child. We want to do umrah anc coming from the UK. Is it possible to do umrah if I take care of my child when my husband do umrah and He takes of the child when I do umrah. Would he be allowed in a hotel in mecca ?

  43. Salam,

    I have a 2 years old child. We want to do umrah anc coming from the UK. Is it possible to do umrah if I take care of my child when my husband do umrah and He takes of the child when I do umrah. Would he be allowed in a hotel in mecca ?

  44. Assalamualaikum. We live in Tamilnadu, India.
    My father’s age is 71, My mother’s age is 66.
    I am their daughter aged 36.We are fully vaccinated.
    Can I do perform Umrah with my parents?
    Since they are aged, they are eagerly waiting for this Umrah service permission.
    They want to do Umrah atleast once in their lifetime inshallah.. Please kindly guide me.Thank you

  45. I am from India, I performed umrah in September 2018, can I perform umrah in 2022.
    is there have any 5-year restriction for Umrah

  46. Salam, please can you advise if it’s possible to obtain more than one permit to perform umrah at a time. Or are travellers only allowed to complete once on their trip? I am travelling from the UK.


  47. Aslam alequm can my mother perform umrah with group (because we don’t have mahram male ) . Her age is 76 ( fully vaccinated and no health issue Allahmdulillah ). She is in India .

  48. I live in Nigeria
    And I’m planning on coming for umrah with my family but have a 7 year old and 15 year old daughter can they come and stay in the hotel ??

    1. Hi

      Yes they can come but cannot enter the harem area. They can stay in the hotel. 12 years and above can now visit the harems.



  49. I have eVisa and planning to go for Umrah, I am 52 years old, I just want to ask the current age restriction (between 18 and 50) is for eVisa holders as well or not?
    Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.

  50. I am travelling to umrah with my wife and my son age 20 middle of Dec. Can three of us stay in 1 room or there is any restriction only 2 people in one room?

    1. Hi

      Yes – at the moment there must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 2 people to a room. If you are travelling alone then you will still be charged for a 2 person room.



  51. Is there any limitation that only 2 people in one room in the hotel at Makkah? My agent told me that is the rule now. Please verify. Thank you

    1. Hi

      Yes – at the moment there must be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 2 people to a room. If you are travelling alone then you will still be charged for a 2 person room.



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